Why Feeling Safe In Marketing is Necessary For Feminine Women

I have noticed that a lot of marketing strategies don’t respect the sensitivity of a feminine business owner. We are told to put ourselves out there. Be visible. Post on social media and create content. It sounds like we should be doing a lot of things and pushing ourselves to get the results we need.

However, what if being a woman hasn’t felt safe for you in the past? Would you be able to put yourself out there? I don’t think it is possible to do that.

Safety doesn’t have to be a big threat to our survival. The media sends constant images of beautiful, well-put-together women; that can make us vulnerable and not feel safe enough to be seen.

Pressure is never safe. Acceptance and authenticity are safe. 

Therefore, when my clients come to work with me, I don’t recommend they do big launches or big visibility action steps, unless, of course, they are ready for it.

We start with their inner self. What life has been like for them? How do they feel about sharing their message? What is their comfortable pace of marketing?

Surprisingly when they slow down, then only they can fasten up.

In navigating sensitivities for myself, I am very in tune with the needs of women when it comes to putting themselves out there, marketing themselves, being visible, and being seen.

Having a lot of marketing activities to do and not having enough time to take care of ourselves can make us feel overwhelmed and in turn unsafe. We will hide because we feel we are not being authentic to ourselves and not taking care of ourselves.

When we don’t have clear boundaries on our time and energy, it can also make us feel unsafe.

I would like you to think of marketing as your life mission and then ask yourself:

‘How would you naturally like to market?’

‘What is standing in your way to marketing yourself?’

‘Do you need more information? 

‘Do you need marketing strategies?’

‘Do you fear whether your marketing will produce results or not?’

After answering these questions, I would like you to ponder the following thoughts:

When we start to market the way we authentically and naturally show up in life, it isn’t hard to market ourselves.

There are so many strategies, but the strategies work based on an individual’s nature and style of self-expression.

It also depends on how much time somebody has to spend on marketing. I would encourage you to be compassionate with yourself regarding marketing. Slow is always better.

Weekly Business Building Tips

Every week, in a form of an e-newsletter, I will share tips with you on how to create your feminine business model so marketing doesn’t feel hard, selling feels good and you can create success with ease.

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