How Can Our Natural Feminine Qualities Help Us in Our Sales Conversations and Marketing

When our clients are looking to make a decision about working with someone, they are often looking for solutions to their problems.

Women have natural traits that can make it easier for clients to make a decision to work with them.

During a sales conversation, the following three traits that are feminine in nature (both men and women have a feminine side) can help a client experience ease in making the right decision:

Empathy: Listening to a client empathetically about what they are experiencing and how their problems are affecting their life helps build trust and in turn, they feel seen and heard. After feeling seen and heard, their brain relaxes and they are at ease to make a decision.

Safety: When our clients are feeling stressed, they need to feel safe. When we are sharing our wisdom and our solution to their problems through our marketing before having a sales conversation, they can safely check us out from a distance and decide if we are a good fit for them or not. That way, they don’t need to face the discomfort of having a conversation with us if we don’t feel like a right fit.

Intuition: Intuition plays such an important role in business. A lot of the time, when our clients are distressed, they are in their left brain, survival brain. When we use our intuition, we can go beyond what they are experiencing and diagnose what is going on for them. If we can diagnose a problem, chances are we can also solve it. Once our clients know we can see beyond the surface problem and go deep with them, we can help heal the issue they are experiencing.

I remember once a client came to me who was experiencing a lot of unfairness and injustice in her intimate relationship with her partner. The power dynamics in the relationship made her feel misunderstood as a woman. I intuitively knew that it wasn’t time yet to receive business coaching, but she would benefit from money coaching.

After pointing out the power dynamics and suggesting that she needs to strengthen her relationship with money and power before stepping into business, I was able to help her transform her relationship with money and experience more safety instead of survival energy.

After having done internal work around money, she was able to increase her income with ease after we implemented the business strategies.

Weekly Business Building Tips

Every week, in a form of an e-newsletter, I will share tips with you on how to create your feminine business model so marketing doesn’t feel hard, selling feels good and you can create success with ease.

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