Gratitude And Attachment Trauma on Canadian Thanksgiving Day

As I am getting ready to go to my counselor’s office for my weekly appointment, I am feeling really overwhelmed.

We are working on healing my attachment trauma which means, I will always tell her the truth, and telling my truth and expressing my voice hasn’t always been easy for me.

I am complaining about driving. I don’t like that it takes one hour to get there. As our appointment time is getting closer, I try to avoid our appointment time by making the necessary calls I think I need to make until it is almost time to leave.

As I am on the road, I think I am acting really privileged to complain about driving. I remind myself that I have a car to drive and I have gas in my car. October is really sunny and the leaf colours are changing. It is beautiful out.

It is also true that I have deep attachment trauma which is really hard right now. I am not able to see all the beauty around me. And yet, I am so grateful that I have the time, energy, and money to get the help I need.

Having done an interview on gratitude years ago when I first started my business. My perspective on gratitude has changed.

Gratitude doesn’t need to be forced. We can have challenges and we can be grateful for things that are working despite the challenges. 

On this Canadian Thanksgiving day, I want to encourage you to think about things that are working in your life and be grateful for them. I also want you to have compassion for or even complain about things that are not working. It is ok to feel both feelings and hold space for different parts of ourselves.

I am really grateful that I asked for help this year. Instead of making Thanksgiving dinner alone, I invited a few friends and we will do a potluck instead of me doing all the cooking.

I hope you will have a really blessed Thanksgiving.  

Below is the interview if you would like to watch it. This was aired on National TV. I am super proud of it even though my perspective on gratitude has evolved now.

Weekly Business Building Tips

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