Do you Always Have to Go through Pain to Find Your Message?

If one has gone through a painful experience and got to other side of it, there is a possibility they feel equipped to teach other people going through a similar experience what they learnt during their difficult time.

Somebody asked me, ‘What if one hasn’t gone through a painful experience? What is their passion or deep message?’

One ‘s passionate message doesn’t have to come from going through pain, it can also come from a desire for more joy. As an example, for somebody who desires to have a good lifestyle, they may not want to do a 9-5 job and may prefer to work at a position that is aligned with their values and meets their need to express their natural talents and gifts. This can allow them to experience more joy and can be the start of discovering one’s passionate message.

In my earlier days, I helped people discover their ideal work that used their strengths and talents; the journey was very creative and joyful. I remember volunteering at a place that helped new immigrants find jobs in their field.

Usually, new immigrants have to find manual jobs if they don’t have a Canadian experience, which is heart-wrenching for them and their families as they are often overqualified. Once I helped them with mock interviews on the camera and practiced a few times, they were able to find work in their field and I got so many thank you cards that I still have twenty years later.

I apply the similar principles when I help my clients find their passion and message. We look at their story and the connection between their niche (ideal clients) and their wounds that prepared them to do what they do. We also look at their skills, talents, and strengths. A lot of time, they have transferrable skills from their previous life.

As an example, one of my clients was an attorney who had public speaking skills, along with many others that she used in her coaching business.

We also look at their values, their needs, and what kind of contribution to the world feels natural to them and meets their need for self-expression through their life work, their dharma.

We then center our marketing around their natural talents, and spreading their message and doing what they are naturally good at brings them a way to express their voice in the world that feels easy.

I love this creative process of helping my clients find their passionate message. And it doesn’t always have to come from having gone through pain, even though it often does and it also evolves.

When I first started my business, having experienced a lot of trauma, I felt so passionate about helping women make money. I really believed that, if women made money, they will never have to go through abusive relationships.

Although, I do still feel passionate about it, but with my own life evolving, my passion is helping women experience more ease. I am guilty of being too attached to my clients making money in the past, but now, I give them more space to hone their skills.

I understand not every woman is going through abuse and needs money today.

There isn’t the urgency to want them to make money until they have mastered the skills and are ready. I don’t have urgency in my life to push them to make money now. Sometimes our passion can come from our own fearful part to protect others from the pain we have experienced. Once healed, we can come from joy and ease.

There is absolutely no one way to land at our passionate business. There are many ways and many routes.

Here is the video I make speaking about the message that brought the question about passionate message.

Video details – YouTube Studio

In your own life, I would encourage you to listen to what you are fighting so much for justice for that you actually may still be fighting for yourself. Could you ease the pressure off and focus on your own healing so you can express your passion not only for the need for justice to change the world but with ease and joy for yourself and those whose life you touch?

Weekly Business Building Tips

Every week, in a form of an e-newsletter, I will share tips with you on how to create your feminine business model so marketing doesn’t feel hard, selling feels good and you can create success with ease.

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