How to Communicate Your Work In a Way that Your Clients Understand

Working with women on a deeper mission to change the world, I find that my clients have often gone through something that was very difficult to overcome. Having overcome that, now they feel equipped to teach this to others who are going through the same thing they went through.

Although they feel very passionate about helping others, they find it difficult to articulate their message in a way that their clients understand.

When we sit together to discover their message, I ask them to write their story and then we look for a thread of their message in their story.

Once we have explored their story, then we try to find their message inside of it.

Their message is a combination of their life experiences, skills, training, education, and the things they overcame to be where they are in their lives.

In articulating their message they communicate to their clients that they too can overcome what they are going through. They can say this with conviction because they have been there themselves.

My message, for example, is __________________. To help my clients create a successful business with ease by being in touch with their natural feminine gifts. I often struggled with being in my feminine side as I equated being a woman to being weak.

I had to work on my tendencies to people please, being a good girl, and not expressing my voice. Having my own business and making a decision to be visible and be seen as a powerful authentic woman, I had to overcome my feminine shadows.

To learn more about what I mean by the healthy feminine, visit: My Approach | femininebusinessmodel

Here are some other examples of helping others overcome something in their lives:

  • “ Feeling stuck in their career.”
  • “Overcoming money problems.”
  • “Overcoming relationship issues.”
  • “Helping make the transition to divorce an easy one.”
  • “Helping lose weight and overcome emotional eating.”

The first step in developing a message entails looking at what one overcame and then the next step is looking out at the world and seeing if there are any places people struggle (in the ‘I’m still awake at 2 a.m. because I can’t stop thinking about this problem’ way) where you could help.

So we are tying their past to our present.

We are seeing how our successes can be useful to somebody’s struggles.

We’re trying to pair our strengths (gained from overcoming our pain) with their struggles.

For example:

  • Example #1 – A marketing coach I know didn’t like the way marketing was done so he decided to teach it ethically, and now a lot of his clients also don’t like the way marketing is done so they hire him.
  • Example #2 – A woman who struggled with emotional eating and dieting for years now teaches how to stop emotional eating.
  • Example #3 – A woman who struggled with money for years now feels passionate about helping women make money.
  • Example #4 – A woman who grew up in a foster home helps women deal with abandonment issues.
  • Example #5 – Biofeedback: One of my clients overcame a major health challengees with the help of biofeedback. I helped her speak about specific health challenges she helped people resolve through biofeedback instead of selling biofeedback on its own. She gave a great talk where she talked about different things she helped her clients heal through biofeedback, for example, migraine and chronic fatigue. She had ten people in the room; everyone signed up for a discovery session.
  • Example #6 – Dentist Becomes Financial Advisor: I helped a client who migrated from Singapore and was a dentist in Singapore. Because she had to look after an elderly person, she didn’t have time to do dentistry in Canada, as she was a single parent. When I helped her write her life story, it seemed she was very good with finances, from raising her younger siblings to handling her husband leaving her in Canada, as he didn’t like it here. She always found money. She dibble-dabbled for a while, and now she is teaching finances through a financial company.
  • Example #7 – Nutritionist for ADHD: One of my clients was a nutritionist. She specifically helped ADHD children get better through nutrition, having two kids herself who had ADHD, but she couldn’t own it for a while and kept hiding her real passion behind nutrition. She was in a relationship with a narcissistic man and couldn’t take action on anything; she had to stop our work as a result. Then we lost touch, but I saw her trying to promote her nutrition services for a while, though eventually she went back to ADHD coaching. We became friends and went for a walk one day. I pointed out how she came a full circle to come back to ADHD coaching like I had pointed out at the start, and she said yes, but she had needed to sort out her relationship first. Though we no longer work together, the niche seems to be going well for her.
  • Example #8 – Social Media Marketing Before a Clear Message: I had a client come to me who had invested in a group coaching program (2k) social media marketing (1k). She finally hired me and I saw she didn’t have a clear message. Learning to market on social media and also investing in the group program that didn’t have getting her clear on her message as a focus didn’t bring her any results. Her investment in those programs only cost her money and time.
  • Example #9 – Financial Planner. I got one of my clients to write a story of her life and what I saw was that, during the most difficult times in her life, she was always able to manage money so well. I suggested to her she could teach that to other people; now she is a financial planner.
  • Example #10: My Story. I didn’t feel safe in my body as a woman. Having experienced physical, emotional and sexual abuse, I spent a lot of time in my ‘freeze,’ trauma. Making a decision to start my business and be visible was very difficult for me. I also knew that being a good girl and a people pleaser was a good survival strategy, but it wasn’t an authentic way to be a powerful woman I needed to be to carry my God given gifts. Having gone to the other side of it, I know that it is possible to celebrate being a woman, speak my truth and connect with my authentic feminine power without fear of shrinking. It is our divine right to celebrate our natural feminine gifts and express them in the world.

Our message is our life mission and a promise to the solutions to the problems our ideal clients are experiencing. It doesn’t always come easy. Sometimes, we have to go through a lot before we are able to teach it.

The beauty of this is taking the pain of our past and turning it into a livelihood that not only brings us soul satisfaction but also brings us the joy of making a contribution through our life work.

And many people find, in sharing the wisdom gained from their wounds, they experience even deeper healing of those wounds than they thought was possible. For myself, every time, I help a woman be in touch with her feminine side and express her talents, speak her truth, it heals the younger part of me that didn’t have anyone.

The journey to writing our story, understanding the problems we help our clients solve, and articulating it in a way they understand is really well worth the journey.

Weekly Business Building Tips

Every week, in a form of an e-newsletter, I will share tips with you on how to create your feminine business model so marketing doesn’t feel hard, selling feels good and you can create success with ease.

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