Dear Feminine Woman Entrepreneur,
Sometimes, clients come to me who need a bird’s-eye view on their messaging or marketing. They need to work on a specific piece in their business.
For these clients, I have designed a four-hour day to take them through a specific piece in their business. Some of the things clients work on are:

Getting crystal clear on their message:
Without a strong, clear message, everything else you need to do to move your business forward doesn’t have an anchor. The messaging isn’t something that can be done off-the-cuff; it needs time to go through the process that I take my clients through. I have three distinct steps, and the four hours allow us the space to go through each process, have time to discuss, and also time to take some breaks, so that you can stay present and engaged.
Packaging your process:
If you have a clear message and a great talk but are still selling your services for a dollar an hour, don’t be surprised that you haven’t tapped into the creativity of your process. Your process is the steps your clients need to take for a period of time to get the full, deep transformation they need by working with you. Using these four hours to get acquainted with your process is what you might need to create long-term packages to work with your clients.
Feminine sales process:
You might not need any help with any of the above, but you are certain that honing a sales conversation is where your business is stuck. These four hours can be used to practice a sales process that can feel good, and you will feel proud to have a selling conversation with your clients.
Relationship with money:
One of my favourite VIP days is helping my clients transform their relationship with money. If you have a difficult time:
- Asking for money
- When you do charge well, you package a lot or feel a need to give more.
- You feel guilty about making money.
- Sales conversation send you into fear.
- You think that your clients won’t like you if you ask for money and you need to do something extra to please them, or
- If you feel that you have done everything in your business, but somehow, you always seem to be struggling financially.
- You work hard.
- You feel underpaid for your work.
- The exchange of money and the value you provide doesn’t feel equal.
- You have great sales conversation yet money seems to pass you by.
It might be that you have experienced survival money trauma or may have experienced systematic or other kind of money injustice as a woman. You may have experienced unfairness of financial resources and distribution either in your family or at your workplace and you feel that it is still affecting the way you handle money today. You want to clear that energy. I have successfully helped my clients clear that energy and have brought great relief. It has shed light on areas they were not aware of. Whether their response to money situations has been fight, flight, or fear, I am able to point it out to them. If they need further work and the trauma is deep, I can refer them to trauma counsellors for further support at the end of our work.
Total Value of This Program based on clients’ feedback: $1500
Price: $1000
If you would like to apply for this program, send me an email by filling out the contact form explaining the areas of your business you are struggling with and why you think that applying for a VIP day is the best choice for you.